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Syracuse University Libraries

ArcGIS Software Access

This guide describes SU's ArcGIS license and how to access Esri's ArcGIS products from on and off campus. Plus some FAQs about managing your account.

Migrating from a Named User account to SSO

As we transition to a Single-Sign-On (SSO) environment we strongly recommend that you move your existing data files and layers, etc. from your Named-User Account to your new SSO account. Please contact for assistance and more information.

If you wish to keep both accounts you can link your accounts together. See the box below for linking accounts together.

Link your ArcGIS Accounts

If you want to link your accounts follow these steps.

Linked ArcGIS Online accounts

If you use multiple accounts for ArcGIS Online and Esri websites, you can link them so you can switch between accounts and share your Esri customer information with My Esri, e-Learning, and Esri Community. You can link your organizational (ArcGIS, organization-specific, and social) and public (ArcGIS and social) accounts. Your content and privileges are unique to each account. From Esri websites, only Esri access-enabled accounts appear in your list of linked accounts.

To set up and use linked accounts,

  • click your username at the top of the site and click Switch Accounts,
  • or click Manage linked accounts on the General tab of your settings page.

Choose one of the following options:

  • To add an account, click Link an Account and sign in with the account you want to link.
  • To switch accounts, choose an account, and if necessary, sign in with the credentials for that account.
  • To unlink an account, click Unlink an Account, choose an account, and click Unlink Accounts.


  • Multiple accounts from the same social network or the same organization-specific provider are automatically linked.
  • When switching between accounts, you will remain signed in to the current account unless you clear the Stay signed in to current account when switching check box before switching. You can remain signed in to one public account at a time, and if you have multiple organizational accounts for the same organization, you can remain signed in to only one of them.
  • To switch accounts, you need to allow pop-ups in your browser.