Faculty and T.A. Teaching Support, Led by Ronald Figueroa (rfiguero@syr.edu), Michael Pasqualoni (mjpasqua@syr.edu), and John Stawarz (jdstawar@syr.edu)
Description: While SU Libraries has always supported teaching and learning at Syracuse University, this workshop offers faculty members, instructors, and teaching assistants several practical ways that SU Libraries can support your teaching during these unpredictable times. Topics include putting items on course reserve, discovering and sharing digital resources such as ebooks in our collections, showing videos in class, supporting students with videos and tutorials about the research process, collaborating with librarians for library instruction sessions, and sharing permalinks to online library resources. We will be happy to respond to your questions and concerns during this session.
Intended Audience: Faculty, Teaching Assistants
Date and Time:
Saving, Organizing, and Citing Your Sources and Collaborating with Zotero, Led by Winn Wasson
This session will provide an overview of Zotero, a free platform that allows students and researchers to save and annotate sources, collaborate with classmates and colleagues, generate citations and bibliographies in papers, and access references from anywhere. Students and researchers of all experience levels are encouraged to attend and ask questions.
Intended Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty, Staff
Date and Time: Monday, September 27 5:00pm-6:00pm
Location: Bird Library, Lower Level, Room 046
All about Sources!: Understanding the Search for Sources, Led by Alayna Vander Veer
How do sources and information needs connect? A source is some sort of document used to provide evidence in research. An information need is the desire to locate and obtain information. You need to know types of sources and the differences among them if you are going to find accurate, helpful information that fits your needs. This workshop's goal is to teach students new to the research process about sources, giving ample examples that include various types of sources, such as primary, secondary, popular, and scholarly. The workshop will demonstrate how to search for and identify certain types of sources using Summon. Furthermore, students will be prompted to critically reflect on their sources and information. After the workshop students should be able to 1.) identify different types of sources 2.) find credible sources that fulfill their information needs 3.) critically evaluate information.
Intended Audience: Undergraduate Students
Date and Time:
Location: Bird Library, Lower Level room 046
Niche & Unique Magazines: Best Practices & Tools for Hidden Gems, Led by Hanna Seraji
Join Hanna Seraji (G‘22) in learning about niche and unique magazines available at SU Libraries. Anything from music to feminism to pop culture and beyond—the possibilities are endless. Looking at the tools that SUL Libraries has to support the work of buddying journalists at SU, join a discussion in delving into different types of magazines for different communities.
Intended Audience: Undergraduate, Graduate students
Date & Time:
Location: Bird Library, Lower Level, Room 004
Wellness, Online and IRL, offered as part of the Graduate Research Roundtable Series
Have dinner on us while having a timely discussing on information wellness. We have recently been bombarded with a constant stream of disconcerting news and other information. It is important that we are aware of what is going on in the world, but we need to make sure that the information we consume is empowering us rather than overpowering us. Please join us for a workshop on tips and strategies for developing and maintaining a healthy "information diet" and learn about other resources to achieve optimal wellness.
Intended Audience: Graduate Students
Date: October 20th, 2021
Time: 5:30-7:30
Location: Peter Graham Room, Bird Library 114
Registration Link Here: https://syr.libwizard.com/f/gsoresearchroundtablefall2021
The Public and Your Publications: Strategies for Handling the Misappropriation or Misrepresentation of Your Research, Led by Winn Wasson
The good news is that your research got published. The bad news is that a group you have never heard of is now misappropriating or misrepresenting it to push an agenda that neither you nor actual research conclusions support. This workshop aims to help you prepare for how to handle these situations should they arise.
Intended Audience: Graduate Students, Faculty
Date and Time: Monday, October 25 5:00pm-6:00pm
Location: Bird Library, Lower Level, Room 046
Sage on the Stage - Research Methods, offered as part of the Graduate Research Roundtable Series
Have dinner on us and learn more about research methods. Conducting original research serves as a cornerstone of graduate studies. Yet at the same time, many students are frequently developing their teaching skills. As they transition their academic pursuits into a professional path, still other key skills are needed to develop their research and CVs successfully. The session will delve into how Sage Research Methods as well as some of SUL’s other resources support graduate students as researchers, instructors, and students.
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
• Use the Project Planner as a step-by-step guide to the research process
• Search by method discipline for the content you need to support research and teaching
• Create their own personal library of methods and professional development texts and videos in SRM
Intended Audience: Graduate Students
Date: September 22nd, 2021
Time: 5:30-7:30
Location: Peter Graham Room, Bird Library 114
Registration Link Here: https://syr.libwizard.com/f/gsoresearchroundtablefall2021
Social Media as an Information Resource, Led by Brie Baumert
Join Brie Baumert (G'22) in a hands-on workshop about social media as primary sources. Social media has become an increasingly important way that many people find, consume, and share information. In this workshop, we'll talk about the benefits of social media as information sources, namely primary sources of twenty-first century history. We’ll also learn how to use our own social media accounts for primary source research.
Intended Audience: Undergraduate Students
Date and Time:
Location: Bird Library, Lower Level, room 046
"Where Do I Start?" Researching for Beginners, Narrowing your Topic, Finding Resources, etc., Led by Giovanna Colosi
You are new to researching and not sure where to begin? How do I know where to find sources? Where are reputable sources? Don't fret, come to this beginner's workshop to have all your questions answered!
Intended Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students
Date and Time:
Location: Bird Library, Hllyer (606)
Re-Centering Other Ways Of Knowing: De-centering Whiteness in Scholarly Searches, Led by Brie Baumert, Hanna Seraji, and Alayna Vander Veer
Join Alayna Vander Veer (G’22), Brie Baumert (G’22), and Hanna Seraji (G’22) for a hands-on workshop focusing on other ways of knowing in scholarly searches. While recognizing that academic libraries often work within systems that rely on European and western ways of thinking, organizing, and knowing, we find it essential to re-center other knowledge systems in our searches for scholarly sources. Come join our discussion of how to conduct inclusive and diverse research and find sources from marginalized voices and sources.
Intended Audience: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students
Date and Time:
Location: Bird Library, Lower Level (046)
Meet Mendeley and Zotero, citation management software for beginners, offered as part of the Graduate Research Roundtable Series
Have dinner on us and join SU Librarians for a virtual hands-on introduction to using Mendeley and Zotero citation management software to organize citations in your academic writing.
Intended Audience: Graduate Students
Date: November 16th, 2021
Time: 5:30-7:30
Location: Peter Graham Room, Bird Library 114
Registration Link Here: https://syr.libwizard.com/f/gsoresearchroundtablefall2021